We want to tell you a story…

…not our company’s history, because 27 years would make it too long. We want to tell you the story about our new website.

It is a project that was born from the passion of those working at Columbus every day, because we are convinced that only a direct point of view can faithfully present us.
So we decided to get involved, asking ourselves what our online image should be, paying attention to every single detail, from texts to layout, from pictures to sections…

Comparison and collaboration led us to define our ultimate goal, and to achieve it we put in a long year of effort and care. When you do things with love, in fact, nothing is left to chance.

The texts are written in the same language we use with our customers daily, and we thoroughly explain the complex world of logistics, presenting the processes carried out and the services that we can offer as clearly as possible.

The photos were taken in our facilities and those involved are shown performing the activities that actually take place in the company. This was also a way to have everyone participate in this new project and have fun together, as you can see in the behind-the-scenes pictures shown above.

Our site has been enhanced by the work of the famous photographer Fredi Marcarini (http://www.fredimarcarini.com), who is incredibly adept at portraying emotions and situations through images.

A longtime friend, he has given us a gift with all the pictures you can see online.

When selecting images to accompany the text, we instinctively chose several shots with faces and smiles. We see this choice as a willingness to give due importance to those who work at Columbus every day, whose value can’t be measured in KPI and percentages, but is invaluable to us. Because technology is not enough to be effective: people are what make the difference.

Moving on to technicalities, the new site is pleasant and intuitive to use and guarantees easy navigation from any type of device.

Our hope is that those who have known us for some time will clearly see our identity reflected in it. And, for those who still do not know us, we can honestly say: “this is who we are!”